Rider Guide


This is The Bovine Classic

Welcome LETTER


Hoof to heart. Our lil’ cow ride was originally only supposed to be a smart-alecky response to Yuri Hauswald’s Bantam Classic. What The Bovine has grown into is an experience that fills the Bike Monkey team, our local communities & businesses, and me with gratitude. 

This is more a gravel cycling experience and community than another bike race. The Bovine Classic is about the people and this place. Whether this is your first or your third time in The Herd, it’s about YOU. 

Our team has a little guiding mantra. It is “Let’s create an opportunity for you to reach the best in yourself. Then, get the heck out of the way, so that you can experience the best in others.” 

I’m incredibly proud of our team and the heart they put into making this event happen. They measure success in your joy. Your laughs, camaraderie, and excitement–especially after a long, dirty day in the saddle–is our fuel. 

Thank YOU.

Quick word of thanks to some of our most steadfast local(ish) supporters: Visit Atascadero, Travel Paso, Firestone-Walker, SRAM, & Cast Management. Thank you for coming on this cattle drive one more time. 

Welcome to our seriously unserious cow-themed gravel ride.

Ride safe, have fun, go fast. In that order.  

Bryoncé & The Monkeys


Schedule of Events


Pre-ride and social at Firestone Walker

Thursday, Oct 24, 2024
Firestone Walker Taproom
1400 Ramada Dr, Paso Robles, CA 93446

  • 1:15 PM to check in and sign waivers
  • 2:00 PM group rollout
  • 4:00 - 6:00 PM Hangout and socialize

The Thursday pre-ride and happy hour have become a regular tradition for early arriving Bovine riders.  RSVP!, so we know you’re coming.  We’ll take a friendly climb up the easy side of Santa Rita Road for the views.



You must RSVP
Please sign up beforehand so that we know you will attend.

Rider Pre-Ride and Check-In Expo

Friday, Oct 25, 2024
Atascadero’s Sunken Gardens (AMSTRDM Coffee at Palma/West Mall)
6505 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422


  • 9:15 AM: to check in and sign waivers
  • 10 AM: group rollout

Join us for an easy local ride around the lesser traveled parts of Atascadero. Maybe there’ll be some fancy pros, or maybe you’ll be those fancy pros. This is an opportunity to spin your haunches, have some laughs, and play bikes. RSVP!, so we know you’re coming.  


  • 2 PM to 6 PM: Food Vendors: Shekamoo Grill & Super Fiesta Market
  • 2 PM to 6 PM: Beer by Ancient Owl
  • 4 PM to 6 PM:  Local Indie Band B & The Hive Perform Live.

Every rider must check in to The Bovine Classic to collect your racer packet before lining up on Saturday morning. We provide two opportunities to do so. First, at our Friday Expo from 2 PM to 6 PM where you'll be able to connect with some of our partners before. Second, on Saturday morning from 6:45 AM to 8 AM.



Atascadero’s downtown district is going through a transportation renovation. Whenever possible, we encourage you to carpool or ride over to Sunken Gardens. Here’s a GOOGLE MAP with parking options that are very near the venue



You must RSVP
Please sign up beforehand so that we know you will attend.


The Main Event: The Bovine Is Here. Viva Bovine!


The Main Event!

Morning Schedule

  • 6:45 AM to 8 AM Packet Pick-Up, Registration
  • 6:45 AM to 8 AM Bag Drop. We will have a morning bag drop station for you to leave all your post-ride gear. Your bag must have your rider number on the bag before dropping it off. Stash your change of clothes, recovery drinks, car keys, and any other items you will need to relax and enjoy the party. 
  • 7:45 AM Rider Line Up According To Course
  • 8:15 AM Briefing
  • 8:30 AM Mass Start

Afternoon Schedule

  • 12 PM Festival Opens
  • 12 PM SCC Tech-RideIt Bike Wash Tent Opens. Bike Rinse Available On a First-Come Basis. 
  • 12:30 PM Food By Linn’s Bakery of Cambria & The Hungry Mother Food Truck.
  • 3 PM Live Music With Bremen Town 805, aka The Bovine Classic House Band.
  • 4 PM Awards
  • 4:30 PM More Live Music With Bremen Town 805 
  • 6 PM Party Over. As the bartender says, “You don’t have to go home, but ya just can’t drink here.”


Atascadero’s downtown district is going through a transportation renovation. Whenever possible, we encourage you to carpool or ride over to Sunken Gardens. Here’s a GOOGLE MAP with parking options that are very near the venue

The Courses of Course

The Big Bovine

This juicy burger of a course has left past riders saying “What The Moo Was That” for its beauty, fun, and challenge! Stay tuned for an official course announcement.

The Feisty Bovine

We call this calf feisty, because her climbing always packs a surprising kick. We’ll let ya know when the course is official.

The Happy Bovine

Not into all the climbing? No biggie, the Happy Bovine is a little more of a Goldilocks route.

The Baby Bovine

The Baby Bovine may be our shortest course, but she’s is a proper smile maker.  You’ll have one long climb followed by a ride through the oaks, and beautiful east Paso rollers. More course details are on the way.


Scoring Details

Scoring Format

The Bovine Classic implements a segment scoring format by which your time is not based on your overall course completion, but rather by the accumulation of segments, and how fast you ride them. Check out the routes above for details on where those segments are. Bike Monkey's segment format of racing encourages you to regroup with your friends and rekindle those friendships you ruined just moments before taking off on a flyer.

The Bovine Classic utilizes RFID technology

Our scoring team uses the best-in-class RFID timing hardware, but it's not 100% fool-proof. Yea, we're talking to you. Let's make sure this is done right. Here is what you need to know about how to apply your timing tag to your bike so that our remote scoring equipment accurately captures you at various check/verification points.


Please pin this number to your jersey or back of your hydration pack so that it is visible at all times.

In order to identify competitors visually, we require you wear a visible number that is facing backwards. This number also has two tear-away tabs on it that serve as your post-race beverage and meal tickets respectively. We advise you to leave these on until after your race is over so that you don't misplace ‘em.

There is no handlebar number plate!

That's right, we've abandoned the necessity of applying a handlebar number plate to your bike.


APPLY ONLY AS DIRECTED! This is the most important piece of material we assign.

Your rider packet will include a seat post tag that includes a sensitive electronic sticker, better known as an RFID tag. It broadcasts a minuscule radio signal whenever it comes near our scoring equipment. But that signal can be blocked if the RFID tag is bent, folded, placed in your pocket, or otherwise applied in a manner other than directed here. Please take a good look at the following images which illustrate the proper way of:

Preferred placement!

Beneath seat, vertical on seatpost.

Preferred Placement.

Beneath seat, vertical on seatpost.

Alternate Placement.

Seatstay, facing forward.

Alternate Placement.

Fork leg, facing forward.

Segment Detail

Segment #1: Kiler Canyon

Length: 5.5 Miles

Every single one of you will tackle Kiler Canyon (pronounced "Kyler"). It starts at mile 12.3 for those on the Baby, and Feisty routes, and at mile 23.75 on the Happy and Big.

Segment #2: Santa Rita Road

Length 5.1 Miles

For the Feisty and Big Bovine riders, you'll encounter the start of this segment at miles 47.5, and 71.5 respectively.

Segment #3: Moss Lane

Length: 2.5 Miles

This one's fast, but won't be easy at the end of a long day. Every route hits the Moss Lane segment.

The Moss Lane segment does not affect podium standings for the Baby Bovine.

Mandatory Checkpoints

Mandatory Checkpoints

In order to claim your position on the podium you must ride the entire course you are registered for! This ensures you put in the same amount of effort as your fellow competitors. To enforce this, we have placed remote "checkpoint" boxes that you must pass. These remote checkpoints verify that you completed the entire course as marked.

Mandatory Safety Enforcement Checkpoint for the Feisty Bovine

If you are riding the Feisty Bovine course, there is one mandatory "quirky" maneuver that you must perform in order to qualify for awards. If you do not perform this quirky maneuver, you will be disqualified. Here's how it works: When you are riding on east on Highway 46, you will come to the intersection of Santa Rosa Creek Road where the course continues left. COUNTERINTUITIVELY, DO NOT TURN LEFT!!!

The reason? Your safety is of paramount concern, and we have deemed that a left-hand turn on Highway 46 where traffic often exceeds the sound barrier to be unsafe. Therefore, we require that you instead turn right, pop in to the aid station, and then take the course directly ACROSS traffic so that you can do what your mama always told you, and look both ways before crossing.

Failure to complete this maneuver, will disqualify you from competition, and you may be yelled at. Just please, don't turn left off of Highway 49. This takes place at mile 33 on the Feisty Bovine course.

Time Cuts

Time Cuts

Cows need to come home at a reasonable hour. For this reason, we have two mandatory time cuts that affect you if you're signed up for the Big or Feisty Bovine routes.

Big Bovine Time Cut #1

At 11:30 AM, at Denner Vineyards at mile 36.5, all riders will be required to turn LEFT onto Vineyard Road, and will not be permitted to ride to up Cypress Mountain. In order to make the cut, you'll have to ride at least 12.2MPH by the time you reach this first time cut.

Big / Feisty Bovine Time Cut #2

For those doing the Big and Feisty Bovine routes, there is a time cut at 1:15 PM at mile 58 at the entrance to our 8 mile long Santa Rita Ranch loop. You must average at least 12MPH on the Big Bovine in order to make this time cut. This ranch loop is mandatory to contend for a podium spot.

Awards & Podium Presentation

Awards & Podium Presentation

You must be present at the awards ceremony at 4 PM in order to collect your award.

Baby Bovine

Top 3 Women

Top 3 Men

Top 3 Nonbinary

Happy Bovine

Top 3 Women

Top 3 Men

Top 3 Nonbinary

Feisty Bovine

Top 5 Women

Top 5 Men

Top 5 Nonbinary

Big Bovine

Top 5 Women
Top 5 Men
Top 5 Nonbinary

Women U30
Women 60+
Women 50+
Women 40+
Women 30+

Men U30
Men 60+
Men 50+
Men 40+
Men 30+

Lanterne MOOuge

Mosey on in dead last and we’ll give ya your own special spot on the podium!


Top 5


Bike Wash by SCCTech!

Visit Kevin and his minions at the Ride It Booth for a proper wipe down for your dirty machine. It’s a small crew, so he’ll be washing on a first-come basis and get to as many as he can. Learn more about SCCTech’s fantastic line of cleaning, lubing, and greasing products.


Tech Tips


The most technical part of this course is on the private Santa Rita Ranch loop, which is owned by Land Conservancy SLO. This is only on the Big & Feisty Bovine routes. It has two creek crossings, and a couple moments that are steep and a bit loose. Some of ya may do short bits of hike-a-bike. 

On all routes, there is also a fair percentage of mostly pretty nice pavement. 

If comfort and traction are your priority, as it is ours, then a 40c Specialized Tracer on the front and 40c Specialized Pathfinder Pro on the rear is a great combo. This is especially good on the Santa Rita Road descent. 

If speed and low resistance are your jam, then a 38c Pathfinder Pro on both is a strong move for this course. We recommend the Pro model, because of their durability in the face of those pesky autumn goatheads you’ll experience–especially going through private vineyards.

These are what we use, and don’t have an opinion on other tire options. 


Simply put, spin to win. We’re BIG fans of the SRAM “Mullet” option on this course. Anything that allows you to keep those legs spinning over the long, grinding climbs and the short punchers is a good strategy. 

9 Rules To Ride By

9 Rules to ride by:

  1. This ain't a race. It's a fun ride with timed segments. Podiums are only awarded for overall SEGMENT times.
  2. FULLY stop at stop signs and lights... unless you are flagged through. Heck, obey all the regular traffic signage.
  3. Please don't cross the centerline ever... even if it's invisible. There will be oncoming local car, foot, and bike traffic.
  4. Keep it skinny, share the road, and let cars pass.
  5. Course markings are for your safety and for that of the community. Neutral, Slow Down, Steep Descent really mean keep it chill.
  6. Leave no trace.... Please pick up your debris. Remember that GU has an awesome gel wrapper recycling program.
  7. Cut-off times are for your safety, so we can get you & all our volunteers home before dark. The dark is scary.
  8. Headphones are not advised. We want you to stay fully aware of all your surroundings.
  9. Once again, those stags are as frisky as hormonal teen. In that quest for an amorous assignation, they're known to leap in front of cars. Also, beware the kamikazee ground squirrels. They’re nut jobs!
The 5 Bs Of The Supremely Rad Bovine

The 5 Bs Of The Supremely Rad Bovine:

Be Awesome (and Kind).

We are all in this herd together. Look out for one another. Treat each other, aid station hosts, volunteers, drivers, other tourists, residents & staff as we would want to be be treated. Courtesy always wins. (and be sure to greet any cows as you pass by. They dig that.)

Be Safe.

These roads are open to all and used by visitors and locals alike. Follow the usual rules of the road. Make the decisions that will get you back to the corral safely. Obey the centerline rule (explicit AND implied.).

Be Prepared.

We'll have support out on the course, but we may not be where you are when you're there. Be prepared with nutrition, tools. tubes, course downloads, plugs, a working mobile phone, etc. Have what you need ... just in case.

Be Respectful.

You'll definitely be riding on public roads. Even if they're not cool to you, be cool to drivers. You will go through private vineyards. If they ask us to ride a neutral pace, please do. This is a rare privilege. Leave no trace by throwing your trash away in proper waste bins. Make someone's day with a hearty "thank you." It'll go a long way with our aid stop hosts and volunteers.

Be Aware.

It's really easy to get caught up in the moment when you're riding at your limits. Sometimes we tune out of our surroundings, get caught up in our heads, and make unclear decisions. Stay tuned in, obey the rules, give right of way to faster riders and other drivers, do not ignore stop signs.